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Royal Canadian Legion Branch 15
Major William Dwight Sharpe Branch in Brampton, Ontario

The Royal Canadian Legion was created in 1925 in Winnipeg Manitoba bringing together the 15 veterans associations formed after World War One. The Legion is a democratic, non-partisan, member-based organization whose mission is to serve Veterans, which includes serving military and RCMP members and their families; to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country. As the largest Veteran and community support organization in Canada, with more than 300,000 members in over 1400 Branches across Canada, the Legion makes a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families, provides essential services within our communities, and Remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our Country.

Major William Dwight Sharpe was born in Concord, New Hampshire in 1867. William Sharpe moved to Peel County in 1902 after studying at the University of Western Ontario. William Sharpe was enlisted in the 234th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force for service in World War One. Branch 15 of the Royal Canadian Legion, a park, and a street are named after Major Sharpe. Major Sharpe passed on 22 December 1928.

Branch 15, located in Brampton Ontario, serves Canada’s Honoured Veterans. The Branch is named for Major William Dwight Sharpe, a former Medical Officer with the British Admiralty who served with the 234th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force during World War One. The 234th Bn CEF is perpetuated by the Lorne Scots (Peel Dufferin & Halton Regiment), an active Canadian Army Reserve Regiment headquartered just around the block from the Branch.

The Branch offers many services. First and foremost the Legion itself is a place for Veterans to seek shelter and care. The Branch has a Service Officer dedicated to getting Veterans the care they need. The Branch is secondly a social club for Veterans and members which is also open to the public. The Branch offers rental service of its hall to the public.

The Branch is now fully open. Come out and enjoy the comradeship and branch activities. To contact us call 905-451-9569 and we will get back to you A.S.A.P.